Wednesday 13 April 2016

Happy birthday Leila

Happy 6th birthday to Leila. Thank you for sharing your cake with us. 

Friday 8 April 2016

Science- metamorphic rocks

We made sedimentary rock layers with play dough, then crushed and folded it like metamorphic rocks. Some of it looked like marble which is a metamorphic rock. 

Sedimentary rock activities

We've been learning about rocks. We made sedimentary rock jars. We used gravel and sand and made layers using the sediment. 

Friday certificates

Congratulations to Mikaere, Jordan, Brian, Tamatu, Jay-Leo, Raiha and Leila for receiving certificates today. Some for passing their basic facts.  Mikaere for  excellence in behaviour and Leila for scoring over 100 words correctly in the end-of-term spelling test. 

Saturday 2 April 2016

Reading is fun

Look at Brian reading one of our little books after school. 
We get good at reading by practising. 

Friday certificates

Congratulations to Jordan-Rose, Eden, Vittoria, Je-t'aime and Leila for passing their basic facts tests this week. Also Happy birthday to Eden and Jordan-Rose who have both turned 6 in the last week. 

Easter Hot Cross buns

Leading up to Easter we made hot cross buns in Room 2. 
We sifted the dry ingredients. 
We stirred the mixture. 
We put crosses on the top. 
We thought they tasted delicious. 

Friday 1 April 2016

Jordan-Rose's birthday

Happy 6th birthday today to Jordan-Rose. Thank you for sharing some yummy food with us.