Friday 26 August 2016

Friday certificates.

Congratulations to Vittoria, Jay-Leo, Jordan Rose, Ecckezia and Leila for passing their basic facts levels this week. Well done all of you. 

Farewell for Vittoria

Today we had a shared lunch as a farewell for Vittoria. We will miss you Vittoria and we hope you will make lots of great friends at your new school.  We will look forward to seeing you at church. 
Thanks families for providing lots of yummy lunch. 

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Assembly Certificates

Congratulations to Raiha and Mikaere for making lots of progress in the number of sight words they know. 

Friday 12 August 2016

Friday Certificates

Congratulations to Vittoria, Jay-Leo, Je-t'aime,Jordan Rose and Leila for passing their basic facts this week. Congratulations to Jordan and Brian for great listening and learning.  

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Ice cube fishing

We have been trying to fish for ice cubes with a piece of string. We discovered that salt helped our string to stick to the ice cube. 

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Science- melting

Today we made chocolate fruit skewers. We learnt how things change when they are heated. 

1.We heated chocolate in the microwave.
2. We cut up banana. 
3. We put banana and grapes onto skewers.  
4. Mrs Kahu put the melted chocolate onto the fruit. 
5. We wrote about what we had done. 
6. We ate them. They were yum!