Friday 24 February 2017

Farm Trip

On Friday 24th Feb Room 1 and 2 visited Mrs Kahu's farm.
We really enjoyed our trip. Here are  some of the things we did.

We cuddled the puppies.
We climbed over a fence.

We walked up the lane.
We ate carrots out of Mrs Kahu's garden.
We explored in the bush looking for a leaf and a rock.

We went on the water-slide. It was slippery.


Wednesday 22 February 2017

Looking forward to the Farm Visit.  Parents please bring your child's car seats on Friday.

Friday 17 February 2017

Friday certificate

Congratulations to Nadia. She received a certificate at our Junior Assembly for always making good choices.

Monday 13 February 2017

Learning about fractions

We have been learning about halves.

We cut playdough in half. We then put it onto the balance to see how accurate we were. It was quite tricky cutting it exactly in half we found.

Tuesday 7 February 2017


Welcome families for 2017 to Room 2's blog.
We like to show you what we have been learning on this page.
We look forward to hearing from you and sharing this exciting year with you.

On Friday we had our first Junior Primary assembly. This happens every Friday at 2:50 pm in Room 1. We would love for you to join us when you can.

We celebrated Nadiah's 6th birthday and welcomed 5 new students to our class and school: Sarah-Lei, Winnie-Belle, Eviahn, Arliyah and Levi.
Friday certificates.